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Loved the GB Color version of that game.

Eventually I'll buy the remake, but not for the full price.
Bought Breath of the Wild for less than €50 (a huge 50 - 150 hour Zelda game)... and I currently can't justify to pay the same (or more) for a much more limited (and graphically less impressive) 10 - 15 hour Zelda game.
I don't have anything against smaller scaled Zelda games (f.e. A Link Between Worlds, Minish Cap), but the price should reflect that. Breath of the Wild was a "Triple-A" home console game, but Link's Awakening is only a "Triple-A" handheld game, which were priced around $20 less than home console games in the past.

Having said that: I like the graphical style of the remake and would love to see other 2D-Zelda classics using the same assets.
On the top of my wishlist would be a remake of "Minish Cap" with the Link's Awakening graphic engine... which 2D-Zelda classic would be your next choice?