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Depends on the game for me, is very much a case by case basis.

For some of your examples like XCX and BotW, that is more how the story is told that doesn't work for some rather than the main character. Same people could adore previous Zelda stories like Wind Waker or Skyward Sword that also feature a silent Link, but don't like how the story in BotW gets told through individual memories rather than a linear story, personally I love it, but I can see why others don't get engaged with it.

Then there is Xenoblade X, where the main story isn't as impactful or that well paced compared to 1 and 2, because that takes a backseat in favor of its worldbuilding, is pretty much a game where you won't get much from the main stuff but rather the side stories.

Haven't played Astral Chain, but for these kinds of crazy action rides, the more personality filled characters like a Bayonetta, a Dante or a colorful bunch of heroes like W101 is more appreciated for me.