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SammyGiireal said:
Xbox One exclusives hardly ever reach the the case of Halo I have seen degradation in quality (single player) since Bungie left. However I am surprised Gears 5 didn't at least reach that threshold. It matters even if people want to do downplay Metacritcs influence. BotW is an example of a game that scored plenty of 10s every where and we saw what it did for the Switch at Launch. That said I have immensely enjoyed games rated in the 8 range for years, but Microsoft needs a huge Critical hit when they Launch their next gen system next year...since we all Know Sony's Last of Us 2 will get in the mid 90s range once it is out.

The issue for me isn't that Gears 5 isn't sitting in the 90s for a total score and as mentioned before, it doesn't have to sit in the 90s to be a great game. The issue is that Gears 5 is sitting similar to Gears 4's score which doesn't sound right at all. Gears 4 was a solid title but a game that I and many others weren't a huge fan of, come Gears 5 and its a different story. 

USER reviews on Metacritic show Gears 4 sits on a 6.9 while Gears 5 sits on a 8.8. That's a pretty big difference between USER review scores and something that actually tells a more realistic story here. And its funny because I barely look at USER review scores as its full of troll reviews good and bad and can be extremely inconsistent but in this case I think the USER reviews are more accurate here than the actual critics. Gamers are loving Gears 5 across the board and the game shows it quite clearly however the scoring doesn't, and that will be misleading to many.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 12 September 2019