I was in Boy Scouts during my younger years. At some point we changed scoutmasters and our new scoutmaster named us the Mule Patrol. There was even a flag with a *ahem* jackass on it. Shortly thereafter as our troop expanded and I became leader of the Mule Patrol our group decided we didn't want to be called the Jackass Patrol. So we changed our name to the Arrowhead Patrol, made a cool wooden arrowhead flag, and in a show of pomp and circumstance, we burned the old flag in one of our camp fires. Good riddance to that damned Mule, and all. My scoutmaster asked what we were doing and we explained that it was the birth of a new era. He then proceeded to scold us and let us (me) know that his wife had worked very hard painting that flag and that what we had done was disrespectful. I still feel bad about it to this day.