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Thought this was interesting:

In hindsight, it’s still amazing to consider how Spider-Man: Homecoming actually happened. Two rival studios came together, without any significant exchange of money, to share a single character that benefitted both sides. Again, Marvel/Disney made no money from Homecoming’s box office. They simply got the satisfaction of getting to personally oversee the creative decisions made in putting the movie together, and subsequently crossover Tom Holland’s adorable Peter Parker into other various MCU movies. That kind of speaks volumes to Feige and Co.’s passion for these characters.

From the same article:

On February 9, 2015 a groundbreaking deal was announced. A new Spider-Man would debut in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, released by Disney, and that same Spider-Man would star in a new standalone movie released by Sony in 2017, produced by Marvel Studios. The financial agreement reached was far less complicated than Marvel’s initial offer: each studio would fully invest in and keep the profits from its respective features, meaning that Marvel Studios makes zero dollars from Sony’s new standalone Spider-Man movies and Sony makes zero dollars from Civil War. Instead, the annual fee that Marvel pays Sony to keep the toy and merchandising profits to the Spider-Man character at Marvel would be reduced from $35 million if the new Marvel-produced Spider-Man movie grossed over $750 million (it did). Moreover, the two studios get the satisfaction of making a great Spider-Man movie while giving the character an added spotlight in multiple MCU films.

My understanding is that Marvel proposed putting up 50% of the money to make the stand-alone spider-man movies in exchange for 50% of the profits and they would continue to feature the characters in their movies as well as give creative input. 

Personal opinion I wish the deal had gone through to the benefit of both franchises otherwise we will keep seeing spider-man movies every 5years 9 months so that Sony's rights to that character and the 900 other characters associated with him don't revert back to Marvel.

Last edited by The_Yoda - on 21 August 2019