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DonFerrari said:
colafitte said:
People defending Disney....are lol. Disney made a deal, a first deal that benefit them the most at the time. They got Spiderman in 2015 for their MCU universe and Avengers films with 100% profit for their own films, plus 100% the benefits of all the merchandise of this partcular Spiderman and they even got a 5% benefit in the Sony own movies.

Now, we are in 2019, the Avengers are done, no more Iron Man, no more Capt America, probably Thor will be gone soon too, like Hulk, ...and Disney see themselves like their next gen is not going to reach the popularity of the originals. And then they see Spiderman films doing records and Sony making plans for their own without Disney benefit and they don't like it.

It's pretty clear what happened here. Disney wanted a bigger piece of cake of the last great superhero available in the MCU. They don't have Avenger movies anymore so they have to get the profits elsewhere and Spiderman was going to be the next big superhero franchise, but...., it's a Sony property. Disney doesn't want to cooperate with Sony anymore, they simply want Spiderman for themselves 100%. They are putting an unnaceptable offer to Sony so they have to reject it. If they accept the offer they already have 50% of not only the production costs and profits, but 50% of the decision making to take for the character. That diminishes Sony in the long run and Sony knows that. The next step for Disney would be forcing Sony to a new deal until Sony decided to give up all the rights.

But Sony did not accpeted this offer, so they are using the social media to put blame on Sony and force their hand making Sony the bad guy in all of this. This is absolutely disgusting and is another reason why i think Disney is right now the worst of the worst with their bully and monopolistic mindset. They milked to ruins Star Wars and i'm pretty sure they are going to do the same in the end with Marvel. I'm not confident at all with their Phase 4 and future projects.

Sony in the end is doing the right thing. They have to look for their own interests. They are the legitimate owners of the Spiderman movie rights. If Venom can make 860M worldwide and Jumanji more than 900M..., a good movie starring Tom Holland and Zendaya can make around 1000M easily. They don't need the MCU at all....And the boycott against PS4 and Spiderman is just nuts, and it won't succeed at all. Playstation and Marvel games will still colaborate without problems, and besides, they have a deal.

This was so out of nowhere...., so absurd..., Marvel, Disney, Sony, Playstation, Spiderman, were all winning big with this colaboration in all fronts...., but the company that is going to earn more than 10B on movies in just 1 year wanted more....oggh.

Fucking greed....

Let's say Sony say "ok we are ok in sharing 50% of the profits and decision making in Spider-Man, in return we get 50% of all the profits in every MC game and decision as well". I doubt Disney would be happy with this "keeping the negotiation".

Of course not.

And people saying..."but is Disney sharing 50% of the costs, not the profits!!!"

1st. If anyone believes Disney is going to take 50% of the cost and don't get 50% of the profits they are naive as hell.

2nd. The 50% cost/profit for both doesn't benefit Sony at all. It's just simple maths. Let's say a movie costs as a whole 200M to make and it makes 1000M on the box office. (I know it doesn't work this way but it's just to make an example). There will be 800M in profits, and Sony will get its part of those 800M. But if they share the costs and profits. They spend 100M and they get 400M, so instead of getting their part from a 800M profit, they will get their part from a 400M profit...

If you are the legitimate owner of the movie rights of Spiderman, this deal, on its own is absolutely insulting and a step back. But then you have to add that Sony didn't profited at all from the Marvel movies where Spiderman was on it, despite 2 of them, being 2000B+ on the box office, and not getting anything at all of merchandise of this specific Tom Holland Spiderman either.

Sony saying no to this deal, is absolutely reasonable. This is 100% Disney's fault.

Last edited by colafitte - on 21 August 2019