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So.... guns don't kill people, but video games with guns do?

By this mans logic I'm going to put Aliens and predator playing on loop until Aliens become real.

That shit about God just pretty much is the icing on the cake to this person talking nothing but shit, someone from the NRA handed him a bag of money and a leaflet to read, I'll leave this thread taking nothing from it other than recalling that the guys name sort of rhythms with Don Mattick and for that... I do pity him.

It's a shame those people got shot up, realistically though if you living in America and vote in leaders who continue to do nothing about it they have themselves to blame, it would be like if me as an Irish wanted to live in a country that didn't have pubs and drinking on every street of my town.. I would move, getting shot is just one of the things that you need to live with being in America, either by criminal with gun or cop who thinks you are a criminal with a gun, that's just a part of life in the US... that and plenty of corn syrup and thoughts and prayers of course.

edit - oh... rhyming name is in the end of the second post, not the OP, my bad!

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