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Everything is a double edge sword at this point. This is just another blind move by the EU, increasing the dependence on other "bad looking" energy sources. Europe has little to no native energy sources, what are we doing banning them and putting so many obstacles?

Fossil fuels? You are polluting the atmosphere by burning them.
Nuclear energy? Beware of the dangers of radiation.
Solar and wind energy? Not nearly reliable/affordable enough to be mass produced.
Biofuel? Not efficient enough, plus it needs to burn stuff that usually comes from the wild.
Thermal and tide energy? Wayyyy to regional to be applicable elsewhere.

Plus, it's always the countries that pollute the least already the ones that keep doing this stuff. I get that's the point, they pollute the least because they are the ones taking the hardest stances against contamination, but I can't help but be somewhat weary of that, especialy when China, India and a ton of developing countries need to develop their industry, and as long as they are the ones carrying with the bulk of industrial production in the world, nothing is going to change.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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