DreadPirateRoberts said: Alright, updated to Animegaming's post. We have three new members, so welcome Cerebral, coolharry and irstupid. 34 new games, bringing us to a total of 899. So the next piece of shovelware Talonman or Ganoncrotch reports will be title #900. |
Sounds pretty salty this? The reason there is 2400 different games on the Switch now is because there are people who buy games other than call of duty and yearly Fifa Shit, if you wanna give grief because this month I'm enjoying just finishing Bertram Fiddle Ep 1, Having filthy tit fun in Senran Beach Ball or the crazy open world Rogue space shooter Everspace I don't really share a love of just buying AAA titles from EA/Ubisoft who's main focus is on how they can sell you a 60e title filled with micro transactions and completely devoid of any innovation or fresh ideas.
To be honest I keep track of my games purchased for myself and copy pasting the Switch purchases onto here was just enjoyable because it fitted the format of this thread, already bought 9 games this month at the cost of around 200e into the eshop, if there's anyone else about who supports the system more than me I would take them having a go at my games purchased (TalonMan) otherwise, I would advise sitting back and being grateful that there are people who spend enough in the eshop to insure many games (both good and bad) get ported to the Switch because there are sugar daddies on the system who'll likely buy and play those titles.
Genuinely as well... a game doesn't have to cost 60e to be great, some of those eshop titles from 5-10e are some of the best pick up and play games which I've enjoyed in years, and AA (or less) titles like HollowKnight, Rocket League and Stardew Valley are probably some of the best of all times.
Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at www.youtube.com/stormcloudlive