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I think some people are forgetting one very important thing when speculating about sales for FF13. When FF13 comes out the PS3 will be in the mid 20 million range and FF13 will stay on store shelves for AT LEAST 24 months, so that is another 20 million console sales at current sales rates (Sony said they expect to ship around 10 million this year). So the PS3 could be around 45 million units when FF13 is taken off of shelves and to get 7 million (which is great for any game not named GTA) it wouldn't need the big attach rates that people are thinking about. And since Final Fantasy has such name recognition people just picking up a PS3 at the end of FF13's shelf life would strongly consider picking it up as it would be a Greatest Hit and cheap.  It's funny how some of the arguments are talking about trying to get 7 million sales the first week or something, the PS3 isn't going to stop selling the moment FF13 comes out and it will sell after the first week so if you are the type that has to argue about this you have to take future console sales into consideration also.