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sc94597 said:
Torillian said:
Perhaps people would be more inclined to answer if there weren't people calling their answer wrong and bitching at them for having a differing opinion. Apparently when I prefer a different controller than the Wii I have to write a 5 page essay with references before SC will give in to the idea that other people have other opinions of things.

Of course not, but at least explain why dual shock is better. I never said anybodies opinions were wrong, I just wanted to know why they game to that conclusion.



DVD is superior to VHS but out of personal preference people still use VHS , Blu-Ray is superior to DVD but people still choose to use DVD , the superiority or "betterness" of something doesn't always neccasserily mean it would be wrong to pick something inferior. If the invidual chooses VHS over DVD they have their own reasons for doing so you couldn't say they were incorrect for doing so.

This is not to say the Wii-Mote is in any way superior ( I see it more as an alternative ) but personal preference doesn't always require sufficient reason ," I prefer the dual shock i may not be exactly why but then I don't have to be" would be an adequet enough reason in my opinion.