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Wyrdness said:
Azuren said:

What are you on about? You literally just paraphrased what I said, but with an attempt to spin it in the other direction.

Choice existed, you didn't need to buy a Switch to get BotW. It was just the better option.

It's obvious what I'm on about it's your killer app argument as choice doesn't stop BOTW being a killer app because it's exclusive to one company alone killer app is something that the competition don't have. Many people didn't have a Wii U or a Switch so would have been forced to buy one or the other and with the Switch being the better choice they're essentially forced to buy a Switch being a better option doesn't negate something being a killer app the fact that the Switch version could very likely outsell the Wii U itself this fiscal year highlights it.

The's also the debate on whether a choice is really a choice because if one option is good and the other isn't then it's not really a choice as chances are that those who bought the Wii U version already owned the platform beforehand.

Right, so it's not a Switch killer app, it's a Nintendo killer app. Switch was just the better of two options.

Still a choice.

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