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Well, yes, Nintendo did learn the most from Apple's business model. Sony may not have gotten the whole message, but they have learned about areas of their own model that didn't work. Learning is learning, even if they didn't get the whole lesson down the first time. They'll keep making mistakes, everyone does, but they won't make the same ones.

As I've said, they have learned about their mistakes in that sector and are trying not to make the same ones in gaming. They are slow about it, but they are taking steps to make sure they don't alienate customers as much witht he Playstation line as they did with the Walkman line. This pricecut is just one of the first steps towards admitting they were wrong and trying to produce a product consumers will want.

They can't go back and change what's been done and that does lock them into a possition where they can't fix all their mistakes right now, but time is on Sony's side in a way most people don't understand.

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