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I just have a question:why weren't all of the versions delayed instead of just the PS3 , if all of them have bugs in the gameplay department as mentioned by all of the reviewrs?


here is the review:


can some one embed the video review?


out of 10
4.5 Presentation
The story and dialogue are goofy, and both are delivered awkwardly. A DVD-esque menu system is good for skipping around, but otherwise it’s pretty useless when there’s little worth watching.
6.0 Graphics
Central Park looks adequately spooky at times, and the game runs smoothly. But most character models, enemies and environments lack personality.
6.5 Sound
The soundtrack is catchy, creepy and atmospheric. But the voice acting is cringe-worthy.
3.0 Gameplay
Glitchy, buggy, frustrating, boring and repetitive. The few truly interesting puzzles don’t balance out the annoying inventory system, controls and combat.
3.0 Lasting Appeal
You probably won't want to finish this game, let alone play it more than once. Since everything is open from the very beginning, there's nothing to go back and unlock.
(out of 10 / not an average)