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I think saying that the strongest point of XBL is the voice communication is a big steaming pile.

A) The people I've heard on XBL range from annoying kid to frat boy to racist/sexist pig. I haven't really found the good in between, and I welcome silence compared to that.

B) You're completely full of it with this 1/20 people use mics, therefore "voice communication is out of the question."  I don't understand how one could assert that voice is "out of the question."  WTF?  I know I'll be talking to my friends in L4D as well as strangers over the mic and they'll be talking back, just like in TF2, just like in CS, DOD, what have you.

Read this carefully:

It really depends on the servers you pick or the people you're playing with. Some can be very friendly and fun and the whole server will be chatting...others will be quieter, and I honestly don't see the harm in a quieter might not know this, but playing with a keyboard and mouse means you have access to a full-sized QWERTY keyboard and can quickly type something without killing yourself...compared to your options on the 360.

AND Left 4 Dead is a much more cooperative game like TF2 and will force good mic use.

Again, I say you guys are full of it simply because it sounds like you honestly don't game on the PC much, and that's fine, but don't act like you know the faults of PC gaming, because mic use is DEFINITELY not one of them.

As soon as I launch TF2 I put my headset on, because I start talking to people as soon as I'm in the game.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )