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RolStoppable said:
darklich13 said:
RolStoppable said:

The A, B, X, Y buttons on the Xbox controller were analog and they were the ones you had to press really hard, not the PS2 controller ones which were fine.

The X,Y,A,B White and Black, and both triggers were all analog on the Xbox. Off the top of my head I can't recall which buttons on the GC were analog.

But for games like Gran Tursimo the X button worked great for a gas pedal. Quite reponsive for a little button. Trying to use a button for gas on the Xbox and you would notice the accuracy difference.

It always amazed me how crappy the resolution on the DShocks pad was campared to the buttons

I always thought that White and Black were digital buttons because they were much easier to press. Of course the two shoulder buttons of the Xbox were analog.

Only the L and R buttons of the GC controller were analog which in my opinion was enough, because how many games used more than two analog buttons anyway? They mostly got only used in racing games for accelerating and braking.

Yea their all analog.  I hooked up my Xbox pad to my PC and with the driver program you can see the sensitivity on the screen.  The analog sticks have a range from -250 to 250.  With each number being a point of accuracy.  The DS2 were half of that.  I would assume that the GC controller would be the same as the Xbox.  They both feel really close to me.


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