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d21lewis said:
I was teasing the Mueller Report a couple of weeks ago. Didn't finish it. Russia did more than just run ads.

-They organized rallies online and recruited Americans and then claimed they couldn't attend. An unwittingly American would then take charge.

-They'd fabricate stories like "This old soldier died before he could vote for Trump. Don't let him down." or "More evidence of deceased found voting for Hillary in Delaware" things of that nature.

While Trump didn't actively cooperates with Russia (though members of his campaign did or attempted to) you have to wonder why Russia was so adamant about getting him in office.

There was a specific organization (the name I forget) designated with this task.

None of what you mentioned is illegal, if in bad taste and possibly bad faith. 

And the agency you're looking for is the IRA. They pay you to shitpost essentially. Not just about politics by the way. 

the-pi-guy said:

As someone who thinks that big government is bad, it's bizarre that you seem to be having such issues understanding the differences between citizens and a government. 


Do you think it's okay for Russia to try hacking into our voting systems?

Do you think it's okay for Russia to use the president to gain an upper hand?

Again, you're misrepresenting what is happening.

Just because a news reporter uses the word treason, doesn't mean it was said simply because someone said something to Russia.  

Again, take your third video.  It was about Trump siding with Russia over our own intelligence agenices.  

I'm pretty sure most of that was at the behest of the presidents.  Not something that the intelligence agencies were actively pursuing of themselves.  

For example there is a massive difference between the president of the US making a secret agreement with the Russian president, and two random astronauts from Russia and the US working together.  

People never understand this... even though it's the very reason I love the US as a country and despise its government. Every mention of the US as an Empire of Defense Contractors refers to the US Govt and never the people of the US (who have their own fair share of problems, like a penchant for dogpiling on any opposing side). 


1. Russia didn't hack your voting system beyond showing the Dems that the DNC rigged their party to endorse Hillary. 

2. Yes it is, it's called realpolitik. Also known as, "I'll be whatever color or flavor I need to be to be desirable or at least palatable to everyone". To be fair, this should be how politics work rather than blind ideological wars where a system faltering is blamed on external opponents rather than dumb dogmatic inflexibility. 

3. The President acts as representative of the US, not as a puppet of the public. If a US President decided his own government was an ineffectual mess and told the Brits that they were right, it wouldn't change the fact he's the President. 

Whether he's talking out of personal belief or fact is another story. This is a businessman we're talking about. Praising the people who can offer him moneybags after he leaves the House is par the course for him. You don't want the Russian government to hate you when you're thinking of opening a huge sprawling resort on the Black Sea a decade from now. 

Also, it's not like "secret agreements with the dirty commies" is a new thing. The CMC did not destroy the world because of one (to remove the Jupiter Missiles in Turkey, which was agreed to in secret. The fact the US withdrawal wasn't public cost Khrushchev the Premiership).