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G.R.R. Martin denies these rumors being true:

Thanks to haxxily for the update.

This rumor comes from the mouth of actor Ian McElhinney, who played Barristan Selmy on Game of Thrones:


“George has already written Books 6 and 7, and as far as he’s concerned there only are seven books. But he struck an agreement with David and Dan, the showrunners on the series, that he would not publish the final two books until the series has completed. So if all goes well, in another month or two we might get Books 6 and 7, and I’m intrigued to know how Barristan, for instance, ends up going through those final two books. George, I talked to him during Season 1 and he did say to me that Barristan had a very interesting journey. But unfortunately I didn’t get to play all of that, so we’ll have to wait and see.”


Last edited by AbbathTheGrim - on 14 May 2019

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: