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chakkra said:


I can see you feel really strongly about this subject. But I don't really understand why? I mean, yes, we hate on the movie. Yes, some of us think it is one the worst movies in cinema history. But what's it to you? I mean, did you write it? did you work on it? Why are getting so worked up about people not liking someone else's work? Why don't you let Ryan Jonhson defend his creative vision himself?

Project much? I really like how you're trying to flip this back around on me. "Why can't you just let us hate and rage in peace?" Listen, I still like Star Wars, and I'd really like it if literally every thread having anything to do with Star Wars films didn't immediately devolve into a bunch of "Shit sux! Worst movie ever! Star Wars is ruined!" nonsense (and I especially could do without the "Keep the feminists/SJWs away from muh Star Wars!" crap). Is that too much to ask for? Does everything having to do with Star Wars have to be negative now?

Well, I guess life is not perfect.

I wish I had enjoyed this new trilogy more and that it didn't ruin the whole franchise for me. But alas, I couldn't get what I wanted. Now you wish you didn´t hear people complaining so much about the movie. But alas, you're not gonna get what you want either because, sorry to tell you this, but I´m afraid we're gonna be complaining about this one for all eternity.

Now you can keep on your crusade to defend it. It is not my place to tell you to stop. I mean, at the end of the day we like what we like. But like I said, I would advise you to not get so worked up about people not liking someone else's work.