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Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Soleron said:
Rainbird said:
I'm just looking through the test results, and I am astounded.
I mean, I was impressed with 4850, but ATI is now officially take the fucking cake!
The 4870 is priced at 229$ if I remember correct?

Jesus christ, these results are... mindblowing!

$299, but point stands, yes.

Now think about who will have the best performance for $600+ ... and it's not going to be the GTX280.


ya nVidia's G100 series (not the 2xx or 3xx cards). I know what nVidia is doing with the design, it will kill AMD.

And yes I do have contacts with AMD/Intel/nVidia. I'm trying to get VGC to be able to review hardware.

Yeah, I know - the 55nm optical shrink.

Probably won't be small enough to enable them to do a GX2 (~500mm^2)or if they do, it will be brutally expensive due to the cost of two PCB's and even then im not sure if they can get it to work easily.

The 4870x2 looks to be more than the 3870x2 as the latter was just a test run. It comes out in less than 8 weeks and im sure than when it does AMD will hold the single card crown for the rest of the year.



 oh no, they are working on an "evolved piece of hardware" that will be very important and it has nothing to do with the 55nm shrink. I can't say what it is but lets say the card that will house it will be powerful as hell, and multi-core.

Heres the million dollar questions.

Anybody that knows should be under an NDA, and why the hell would they tell you? :/ 

You're not talking about the GTX260/280 because thats public knowledge. If there was something coming that was powerful, and coming soon it should have taped out by now so we'd be getting rumors out of the wazoo.

Ya I don't get it. 


Its not very soon... the 3xx might be very soon (no idea actually), the card with the parts I;m suggesting exists are Spring or Summer 2009.

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