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thismeintiel said:

1) Rey, on the other hand, just touches a lightsaber and is almost a Jedi master.  She read Kylo's mind, even though he was trying to read hers.  She uses a Jedi mind trick, without even knowing how to even attempt it.  I can't remember, but I even think she had no way of knowing Jedi could do that.  She defeats Kylo, who has been training for at least a decade, even though she never picked up a lightsaber.  And that poor excuse of him being injured or unbalanced is complete BS, because if you rewatch that scene, those things play no part in the actual fight.  He's not overly emotional.  And he has no problem moving around and swinging.  Then, she Force pulls a lightsaber to her, even though, again, she has no idea how to do it, and Kylo was pulling it to him.  Not to mention she can fly and repair the Falcon better than Han, for no good reason other than she is just better than everyone at everything.

2) And that's just the first film.  In the second film, she takes down Luke with no problem whatsoever.  A freaking Jedi master versus a woman with a staff, and he gets taken down?  She swings around a lightsaber for a little bit, then apparently that makes her a master duelist.  She's confronted by the dark side, and it has no sway on her at all, not even a little.  The only person to give her a problem was Snoke, which he just became a joke because his writing is all over the place.  One minute he's all powerful, the next a childish trick takes him out.  She helps take on Snoke's elite guards.  Then, when they are both pulling the lightsaber towards them and it breaks, she instantly gets up, while Kylo is knocked out for about half an hour.  She then shows up at the end to lift up tons and tons worth of boulders with absolutely no effort whatsoever.  Something that would have strained even Yoda to attempt, if he could even pull it off at all.

And, now, with the third film, it looks like we have Rey at full Neo powers.  With absolutely no training whatsoever.  No origin story for her could explain that away at this point.

1) I see where you are coming from an I agree.

Rey starts reading Kylo's mind and emotions, she uses that technique, but I can excuse it with the argument that she is strong with the Force and that Kylo had just used that very interrogation technique on her, so she must have gotten the gist of it or perhaps the idea that she can also do that back to him.


... then she comes up with the Jedi trick of using her mind to control a Stormtrooper so that he would release her. Where did she get the idea from? Where did she learn to do that?

Seems like JJ and Co. just wanted to make "old fans" or Star Wars fans see that technique in the movie no matter what and paid no attention on whether it made sense she would be able to do that at that point and even worse yet that begs the question of: what is the need of Jedi training when you have a character that can spit techniques with no training?

This is why Rey's parentage was so important and I would say not necessarily her parentage but what she experienced as a child. I am completely fine with the idea that her parents were nobodies, but the idea that she received some form of Jedi/Sith training could have justified her knowledge of the Force.

2) Yes, the problem here, it seems, is that the writers come off more concerned about making a female character look "good" instead of grounding her in the Star Wars mythos. A female main character should give "little girls" the idea that they can be the protagonists of a story and that stories can be about them, not about causing the delusion that by virtue of gender they can do anything and accomplish everything, because that isn't even true for men.

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