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I don't get the Mary Sue argument with her. She definitely achieved a degree of control over the force far faster than was reasonable and her proficiency with a light saber was pretty much ridiculous (though she did get her ass kicked by Luke without him breaking a sweat)... hopefully they make an attempt to explain that (Anakin was likewise bizarrely proficient with the force as a young child, so perhaps a connection like that could explain it).

Otherwise, she is not some flawless good guy; I'd argue that she seems more drawn towards the dark side of the force than Luke was. It could be that, since the skywalker trilogy was all about establishing a "balance" in the force", she might wind up being something of a hybrid, but regardless she is not a full blown Mary Sue.

They have some repairing to do after the second film (I will never forgive them for having Luke standing in front of a genuine buffet of Imperial soldiers and Walkers and not just unleashing the culmination of his decades of training and mastering of the force on them) but I think it's not impossible. I care enough about the Skywalker trilogy to give it a shot, and while I expect a ton of rehashing and such from Abrams I'm just hoping for some "good" to close out this story.

Seriously though, Luke standing in front of that huge army and...nothing. The missed opportunity still makes me sick lol

*Edit* Just wanted to say that I otherwise really like the cast of the series, but damn was the overall "lesson" of Last Jedi a muddled mess. The main focus seemed to be on that difficult balance between obedience for the sake of unity and strength but also questioning at what point a person should disobey an authority. In both instances I believe the film got it wrong lol

First, Po ABSOLUTELY should have done what he did given that nitwit they had in charge lead them all to believe they were just going to die without putting up any real effort, and yet he's the one who seemed to be portrayed as being "wrong".

Later, Rose disobeyed orders to save Finn with some sentimental nonsense like "we won't win the war by sacrificing love" or something of that sort. Finn had been fully cognizant of the situation and had decided to make a truly heroic sacrifice to save their movement, and yet she decided to intercede. In doing so Rose essentially doomed them to immediate death and destruction barring some "deus ex machina" miracle which, of course, did appear, and yet Rose was portrayed as having done the right thing, when in the reality she had created they'd have maybe 3 minutes to kiss before they and every one of their rebel friends were murdered because of her actions. Totally seems worth it and not at all selfish of her.

So yeah, the Last Jedi is just a tragedy of missed opportunities and muddled messaging... I hope this next one can redeem the story to some extent.

Last edited by Johnw1104 - on 13 April 2019