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If I were to offer constructive criticism to ioi and the team, about the only thing I would like to see would be some just some basic 90% confidence intervals for the numbers presented, or if that is not possible (I'm no statistician) then just some basic verbal indication of the margin of error based on historical performance of VGC vs. other sources. That would IMO increase the credibility of the numbers tremendously. Those who use the numbers professionally have to judge the margin of error themselves now, so I'd imagine they would love if it was done for them by those who actually compile the data in the first place.

On a completely another note, I wholeheartedly agree with ioi and his idea of what VGC is and should be. And to all who wish for increased market coverage, you have to remember that with increased coverage comes increased workload as ioi has more and more numbers to crunch and check and adjust and extrapolate, which works directly against what the site is about, i.e. speedy delivery of good-enough-for-most numbers.