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ssj12 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Well, basically:

- Cross game invites
- Cross game private chatting
- More content
- Better features in games (CoD4, for example has dedicated leaderboard servers, so your friends don't have to be online to see their stats).
- More leaderboards (CoD4 on 360 has leaderboards for the Arcade mode, for example).

- The ability to see exactly what gametypes and maps people are playing (You can go over a friend in your friendslist and it will say "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Headquaters on Shipment")
- Cross game messaging
- Universal friends lists
- More DLC
- Achievements
- Player zones
- MSN Messenger support
- Headset standard with Premium and Elite consoles.

- Custom soundtracks.

Bold = 2.40 and upcoming features through in-game XMB or can somewhat already

Italic = coming

Underline = who cares?



I agree that MSN support is cute for some but not for most.  I think the included headset with the 360, and ease of setup and use, has contributed a lot to the 360's rep as the best online console.  I expect Sony will include a headset with the next console.  It's a good strategy.

I give this post a 9.4.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.