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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

marcopolo789 said:

Did you get that info about the economy tanking from a crystal ball? Ahhh yeah, the so called experts. The so called experts that said it would be a disaster for the UK not to join the Euro in currency. The same experts who told us the sky would fall and oxygen would disappear if leave won. None of the scaremongering happened. Actually on the contrary. Since the vote our economy has grown, more jobs have been created. We are exporting more. When did the sky fall? The real answer one really knows what will happen. I guarantee which ever way it goes we will come out of it stronger than before. We are British at the end of the day, we do not just give up we build. This is what boggles my mind. We as a nation until this generation and the PC liberal brigade started brainwashing we would have turned around and told the EU to go F themselves, the last PM with balls to do that was Thatcher, what boggles my mind even after seeing the bully tactics the EU are trying to force on us by demanding billions and it is their way or the high way people still want to remain. Look what Macron has said, who the hell does that little pipsqueak think he is? Juncker? Do not get me started on that unelected alcoholic.


Can I ask why your generation think it is racist to be worried about uncontrolled immigration and taking way too many refugees? See, that is what I am talking about. You lot have been brainwashed by the liberal pc correct education system. Majority of tutors and teachers and leftist liberals that try and drum their opinions on to their students and for the most part it has worked, should be illegal. According to the left I am a racist nazi fascist for being worried about the influx of migrants and refugees. Our schools can not handle it, we do not have enough housing specially social our infrastructure simply can not handle it any more. Also why should my child lose out on education because a couple in the class can not speak English and the focus is on them. Have you ever tried getting social housing these days? I know a pregnant mother who is basically homeless but the waiting list is so long. They say immigrants do not jump the queue, that is a load of rubbish, of course they do. Try get a doctors appointment or if you are unlucky have to go to A and E. You will see the reason why it takes so long, full of people who have never paid a penny in to the system.


Call me racist for wanting more control over who comes here, who gets housing and who gets to use our NHS that I pay for through my taxes, I really do not care. That word is used way too much these days it means nothing.

How about these: (which is a government source btw)

And Keep in mind that's still all before even leaving the EU and mostly spurred just by the mere prospect of it happening. Now guess what happens when the Brexit actually happens? Especially a No-deal Brexit, which the companies are really fearing by far the most?

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 22 March 2019