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Xxain said:
The only thing out of that Documentary that has me considering the idea that I should try to consider the possibility that MJ did not cool things is one of the guys has been in mental health therapy for coping with self hatred and refuses to speak to his mother(who is also in mental health therapy) for letting him stay at neverland unsupervised. That cant be faked for this long.

I'd recommend to read my post above as well, but we can do terrible things to our own psychology through worry, inner thoughts, and the actions resulting. It is never primarily the events themselves that cause the mental distress, no matter how warranted, but how we perceive the events. It is the mind that generates the confusion and chaos of the psychological aftermath. It is possible that the questioning and family situations at the time of these suspicions may have led to confusion in the child as well as the mother, in an effect that spiraled out of control. The fact that both of them have had mental health therapy is telling of how they handled the "possibility" (real or not) of the situation.  A child's entire world is affected and even defined by parents and what they are introduced to during the developmental years.  The mother's worry and upset, even though she was not present, probably had a profound influence on the child, immediately and over time.  The trauma of being put through the rigors of the "possibility" of an event can be just as impactful and damaging as the event itself, causing long term psychological effects. 

When I was a little child, 6 or 7, I saw Beetlejuice and the scene where Michael Keaton grabbed his crotch and said, "Nice F***in Model."  I immediately turned around and repeated it to my family.  Then I went to school and repeated it to classmates in the cafeteria. Luckily no teachers saw me, but because a big deal wasn't made over it, I never knew I was cussing.  I didn't know that grabbing my crotch like that was inappropriate either; I simply thought it was a funny action/moment in the movie. I only repeated the action that one day, but if they had made a big deal about it, then I may have all kinds of psychological issues surrounding cussing, grabbing my crotch, repeating things I see on TV, etc.  I may have developed an obsession with or strong  subconscious aversion to any one of those activities to help reconcile the importance of the event and the associated distress in my mind, even to the point of acting irrationally out of context for situations that I may have linked to those concepts along the way.  Maybe even building to the point of hate or violence depending on the severity and nature of the discipline response.

Also to this effect, it is actually more likely that the child would not want to speak to the mother because of the distress "she" directly caused him than for a decision she made that led to distress she didn't know about.  The distress is what would create the distaste to talk to his mother, but the child/parent relationship is so complex with many situations that any one, especially an indirect one, taking supreme precedence over the others is unlikely, unless there were a running thread of distaste throughout them all that cannot be overlooked, i.e. her method of parenting, overly emphasizing the situation to the point of distress, not being a source of comfort when it is expected, constantly denying the situation happened when it did, etc. The fact that he refuses to talk to her is actually more evidence that there was strong distress sourced from her and not the situation, at least in some form. 

Last edited by zygote - on 14 March 2019