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Bah, a couple of points the article make are alright, but the tone of it is what bothers me:

-It seems that his intention is to put a bad mark on this site (to and/or for a certain group of audience) while at the same time (trying to) mask it with having balance criticisms, which turns the article into a piece of contradictory statements.
-He pretends to understand the purpose of Vgchartz, and states that he understands it, yet writes a contradict piece in his conclusion.

Basically, I hate his pretense as well as his bias.

That said though, this article brings up some interesting issues. It seems that many people, some vgchartz users included (and myself included), do not know/understand the site's purpose, or do understand it but do not know what direction we should be taking.

The core of the matter is wanting more and more people to look at vgchartz data, though. As for vgchartz itself, it has been improving, so I don't see how it has stopped improving now.


EDIT: Btw, why does neogaf hate us so much?

I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

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