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Pemalite said:
jason1637 said:

There are many ways we can help those who are disabled, poor, and old without just giving them money. Maybe the disabled cold be an outlier if they're unable to do a lot of things by themselves.

Maybe I just view it all differently because I often put my own life at risk to save others, thus I have compassion and empathy towards others.

jason1637 said:

For the elderly they should save whIle they're working for retirement and they have family to depend on.

There is zero guarantees that anyone is going to have family to fall back/rely on. And why should they rely on family members? It's demeaning.
Some people I have cared for in the past who were elderly had zero family due to various circumstances.
I.E. They migrated over here.
I.E. Their family members passed away.
I.E. They were adopted/forced out of home and have no record of prior family. (Like Australia's "Stolen generation".)

Your approach is far to cold and leaves far to many people potentially vulnerable... And in my opinion is entirely unacceptable.

jason1637 said:

But for the poor the government can always invest more in poorer communities and fixing the criminal justice system.

Why can't they do that anyway? Isn't the USA supposed to be the supreme example of a modern, highly developed, successful nation? Yet it tends to falter on various statistics.

jason1637 said:

The disabled  is more tricky since there are a ton of disabilites. But there are already anti discrimination laws for the disabled.

And so there should.

jason1637 said:

Also society does not always equal government. There are charitable organizations.

Charitable organizations don't always have financial guarantees. Often they will run out of cash, food, clothing and shelter.

The ironic part about it all is... Welfare can actually increase economic activity, for example there was a business here that had the majority of it's revenue from welfare recipients... Certainly did more than just handing out billions more to the rich that sits in a bank account doing nothing somewhere. (Or going overseas for various schemes.)

Personally, I'm not one to risk my life for people im not close with. I do like helping people if i can but would not risk my life for a random person.

Someone having no family members to care for is pretty rare though. But in such a situation the person should have saved for retirement throughout their career because living on social security alone would actually be a struggle.

We have been doing more recently. The opportunities zone ec Trump signed a few months ago and the First step acts were good steps in investing in poor neighborhoods and fixing our criminal justice system. We can and should do more though.

Yeah but you mentioned society taking care of people. Charities should be the way its done instead of the government. In theory a good society will have charities that don't run out of donated money since people would continue to contribute ot them.

But if there were less or no welfare programs the government could cut down more on taxes to the middle class and poor which would give them more spending power. Also other types of taxes like corporate taxes could be cut which would also help the economy.

Alara317 said:
jason1637 said:

1. He really dropped the ball with the mexico paying for the wall part.

2. Most middle class and poor Americans recived tax cuts along with the rich. It is good for everyone.

3. I wish he would have cut spending more honestly. Not a big fan of social security anyway.

4. Yeah the debt should have been top priority imo. It's getting way out of hand.

5. His cabinet could be better but its alright. Even if they are billionaires meh.

6. Trump has actually done a pretty good job when it comes ot millions of new manufacturing jobs throughout his term. Some misteps for sure but overall its been good imo.

7. I though the Mexican trade war ended already with the thing they signed with Canada/US/Mexico. The China trade war is dumb tho and should have ended a long time ago but if it ends up working that will be good.

8. Yup, Obamacare needs to be replaced asap.

9. We should have never got involved in the ME to begin with. Even if ISIS is not fully defeated let other countries handle it.

Jesus fucking christ stop calling it Obamacare. It's "The affordable care act", republicans who hate Obama use his name as a derogative in order to devalue what it actually does. I bet if you actually did your research you'd know that 'obamacare' is actually a remarkably beneficial thing to ALL americans, and anything that it's replaced with will just be a tweaked version of the same thing. 

You want healthcare but hate that Obama's name is on it to 'own the libs' or whatever, but what you don't seem to realize is that in this case both sides want the same thing but are locked in some foolish, frankly stupid argument about it because it got the moniker 'obamacare'. 

Could you be any more transparent? 

What are you on about? I never said I did not like Obamacare. TBH it is a good first step to having a universal health care system and it should be improved upon to cover more people. I just call it Obamacare cause I like that name better than ACA.