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Carl said:
I don't think the mod team, or at least the people in control, actually sees what the problem is.

The far sides of each political spectrum have been allowed to spread whatever nonsense they want to do on the forums without any real interference from the mod team and cause arguments and divisions among the community. In specific cases, you've had moderators also engage in this kind of discussion, which has seen one now ex-moderator be permanently removed from the forum and one current moderator compare Adolf Hitler to a far left socialist... And when we have actual Incel threads being allowed on the front page, you know it's a problem.

One key highlight of the problem can be pointed to how long it took the mod team to put a stop to numberwang and CaptainExplosion's perpetual problem causing thread creation, let alone the problems seen before that with barneystinson. I want to hit it home hard that this isn't a problem with this specific mod team, but mod teams over the past 2 years, probably more. On many occasions the teams simply haven't cared to enter those toxic discussions and put a stop to what's going on until one party feels aggrieved and throws a few reports down.

Putting filters on Political discussion to keep it away from hot topics and the front page is a start, sure, but the problem will never disappear while moderators are happy to let trouble causers have free run to spread nonsense, particularly when they end up punishing those who are calling out said nonsense. The mod team needs to put boundaries on what is and isn't acceptable beyond name calling and extremely offensive remarks.

It's worth noting too, that these problems aren't simply in Political discussion, but have also been found in general discussion.

I'm on my phone and it's been a long ass day so this may or may not have a bunch of errors.

This is a great and underappreciated post.