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Honestly, I think it's obvious a lot of people in general just can't handle discussing politics without insulting or attacking each other.. Just look at the 2016 election stuff and how a lot of people on any "side" acted towards each other. It's always just people name calling each other the same shit like SJW or Racist/Nazi/etc and "i'm better than you" attitude. I personally don't care about politics, which is why you hardly see me posting in political threads to begin with, but I also wouldn't wanna associate myself with people acting like that to begin with. I made some similar sounding/poorly written posts that don't properly convey what I meant to say in the past here and it's cringey lmao, I don't wanna be associated with either "side" of these people if they act that way which is why I stopped.

With that being said though, I think the politics section should remain. If people wanna discuss it they should be able to, don't let the people who can't behave themselves ruin it for the people who can and would like to discuss these things civilly. As others have said, an option could always just be that they don't show up on the Hot Topics feed, maybe as a choice by user, but at the same time I don't see why it's so difficult for some to just not click on them? That's what I do, I just ignore them lol, but then again I can also see why people don't like seeing the same stuff in Hot topics everyday as it can get tiring, especially for those who primarily just come here for gaming discussion.

I also think there should maybe just be harder moderation in the politics threads, that way if the people who do go out of line are shitting up the thread it can at least be dealt with quickly and not ruin the entire thing for everyone else.

Last edited by FloatingWaffles - on 10 March 2019