Hardware revision shares (March 8):
Slim: (76)*0.8+(210)*02+170= 272.8
Pro: 27*08+195*0.2+50= 110.6
Slim/Pro ratio: 71.1/28.9%
Xbox One:
S: ((12)*0.8+ (60)*0.2+38)*1.3= 77.5
X: (0*0.8+(175)*0.2+49+5)*1.3= 115.7
S/X ratio: 40.1/59.9%
Slim+S 350.3/Pro+X 226.3
Total ratio: 60.7%/39.3%
Reversal on the Xbox side, now the X is outselling the S again.Pro+X also get slowly closer to parity with Slim+S again with that.
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=237454 List as Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aW2hXQT1TheElVS7z-F3pP-7nbqdrDqWNTxl6JoJWBY/edit?usp=sharing
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/242024/the-steamgog-key-gifting-thread/1/
Free Pc Games thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/248138/free-pc-games/1/