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I feel like Ice Climbers could be a decent rebooted IP, but only if it were on the scale of say...Box Boy. Like on its face, it's just not that enthralling a concept. Modernized controls with new gameplay elements could make it a neat co-op puzzle platformer, if they wanted to make it that. But that's about all it could ever be. Seriously, what the hell are you supposed to do for a story mode with Ice Climbers? Mainline 2D Mario games have more story depth than Ice Climbers ever could without fundamentally altering their identity. Ever since Snipperclips though, I've started to really like co-op puzzlers with platforming elements, so I could imagine that would work well for Ice Climbers, Nana and Popo working together to climb mountains could be a fun game for me and my girlfriend. Hop to it Nintendo.

Star Tropics I'm looking forward to finally getting to play. Apparently, according to this thread anyway, it's been massively overhyped, but whatever, if it's free with my online subscription I'm going to play it. I'll form an opinion then.