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Welp, here's what I think. Caring about the envirnoment because of fear for yourself, is the motivating factor in all environmental discussions.

So, scientist try to define things in terms of how global warming will affect the Earth in our lifetime.

In doing so, they slightly embellish the effect even the most unlikely vast and immediate climate changes would have on our environment in say, 20 years.

In other words, it is very unlikey that this will bring about the apocolypse in our lifetime. Scientists know this. That's why it is really tough to get us to care. That is why they develop these talking points that relate to immediate climate change.

Now, I'm a selfish evil person. Assume that I don't care if the world ends the day after I die. Convince me to care about the environment while assuming that said environment will have no real impact on the lifespan or quality of life for Americans until after I am already dead.

Convince me that now I should start worrying about the environment for future generations, and for your children's children. Good luck, btw, lol.

We know the problem is real. We just also know that we have a good 50 years before it really starts to screw us up. That's why we're not all about sacraficing our good times now, cause lol, ya know, if it doesn't specifically effect me, I'm not gonna be campaigning for things, I'm not that kinda guy.

It's easy to see through the doom and gloom predictions that bounce around the subject of when this real change is gonna happen, because they are obviously designed to make people like me worry ourselves into action. Unfortunately they don't work very well.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.