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DonFerrari said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Agreed, but you made a lot assumptions in this thread that were inaccurate.

That's why I told you to watch the Digital Foundry video, to clear up some of that.

Assumptions? I have gone from what was written on the reviews here. The one assumption you may claim I made was a counter on yours this game being the most polished UE4 implementation and the like.

And since you agreed the MP is garbage, a 7 game filled with garbage MP doesn't seem inapropriate to have a 6 Meta. If they got rid of MP they could have risen to 7 Meta. MS fault for imposing it and not making sure quality match. No reason to cry wolf on the critics for considering a big portion of the game on the score.

You said the game wasn't polished in general, that's why I said watch the Digital Foundry video. But we already had this discussion.

Again, I don't agree with the concept of dinging a score because something that's really just extra content sucks. That means a game lacking that content entirely should be dinged as well. We are just going in circles so please don't reply unless you really have something to add.

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