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Wyrdness said:

Remasters and remakes have changes to help bring them into the modern era CD3 however does not it's polished for a game of 2007 standards yes but when games that do have bugs still have far more redeeming factors it's not much of a selling point.

Erm.. iv played and see many remasters and remakes that are 99.9% the same game with only visual improvments. Yet they still get okay review scores. CD3 is an entirely different game built from the ground up keeping faith with CD1 gameplay.

Cerebralbore101 said:

Crackdown 3 is criminally short for an Open World game. That, and the missions are repetitive clone stamps of one another.

49 people beat the game already. Crackdown 1 was a 43.5 hours long for completionists. Crackdown 3 is 13.5 hours long for completionists. The game was a massive step back from the original 2007 release. 

13+ hours for a game this generation is far from a short game. I can name plenty of games that come out with less than 10 hours and reviewed better. Also keep in mind that CD3 offers a MP mode and Co-op modes with different agents to level so the game can be easily more than 13 hours.