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SvennoJ said:
Chris Hu said:

It maybe was supposed to be a flagship title for about a second but never was in reality.  Also it wasn't made by a big studio and neither where the previous two games and none of the Crackdown games had big budgets.  If the first game didn't come with the beta for Halo 3 there more then likely wouldn't have been a second or third game even though none of them had big budgets.

It sure looked like it was going to be a big AAA title, E3 2014
The much rumoured Crackdown on Xbox One has been revealed at Microsoft's E3 2014 press conference. No gameplay yet, but plenty of in engine destruction and that classic Crackdown sense of humour remains intact. It looks like it won't be called Crackdown 3 though, with the logo

E3 2015

E3 2017

E3 2018
Finally got the release date right!

When we saw actual gameplay, I think that was a pretty good indication this isn't AAA. The multiplayer on the other hand was more like a tech demo.

Wasting a lot of money on a game doesn't make it AAA. Also, if their goal was a AAA game they wouldn't have gone to Sumo.

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