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Cerebralbore101 said:
KBG29 said:
Gaming media really needs to grow up, they are not doing any favors to the industry. I am so tired of games getting overly praised or punished due to their ties to specific platforms. This game is in no way a 5 - 6. If this was just a random game from a 3rd party it would easily land in the 7.5 - 8.5 range.

I completed the campaign a couple of hours ago. Took me 14 Hours, I collected 630 orbs, and completed all side content. As someone that never played the first Crackdown, and coming from a heavily PlayStation focused background, this feels a lot like Infamous, which was one of my top five favorite games on PS3.

Crackdown 3 is pure simple fun. If you are looking for a game to jump around, collect items, blow away enemies, and feel like a super hero, then you will have an absolute blast with this title. It runs flawlessly, loads and reloads within seconds, delivers reliable gameplay, and offers a decent size sandbox to play around in.

My Score 8.0

So in other words you did a borderline completionist run in 14 hours? A lot of reviews were saying that the game could be beaten in 6 hours. Sorry, but a 6 hour game in no way deserves 8/10. Not for an asking price of $60 at least. If MS had priced this game at $20, then I'd agree with you. 


Cerebralbore101 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Me too. I just recently finished the first Devil May Cry and I'd say it was one of the best games I ever played. That's only like ... a four and a half hour to six hour game, depending on how good you are. It's made to be replayed too and has great attention to detail and design. 

To be fair to Cerebral I guess, it is an open world game. But I actually think this is the problem with a lot of open world game design. Developers feel they need to justify their games existence by adding in a ton of filler content that isn't fun and just becomes a checklist. 

The original DMC took me 14ish hours to 100% complete, not counting replaying the game on harder difficulties.  I think I got about 22 hours of fun out of DMC1. Keep in mind that it launched all the way back in 2001, and was absolutely groundbreaking. I can't think of a single hack n' slash before it that does even 30% of what DMC did. Crackdown 3 on the other hand looks to be a simple clone stamp of the first game, in a genre that regularly hits 80 hours of content. I kind of expect 20 to 40 hours for an open world game. IMO Spiderman was the perfect length at 40 hours to Platinum it.

If a game costs $60, and takes me 15 hours or less to 100% complete, with no replay value, then that just isn't enough for me. 

At the same time though, I don't really like padding in games. There are some games out there that will be 60 hour experiences, stretched out to 80 or 100 hours. I'm not a fan of that. The length and replay value of games could be a huge long thread by itself. 

Anyway 6 hours to beat the main game is not defendable. Especially not for an open world game. 

So his 14 hours for less than 100% are too short but your 14 hours for 100% are okay?

And "6 hours to beat the main game is not defendable" in case of Crackdown 3, but you ignore that the main game of "Devil May Cry" ain't longer than 6 hours.

Instead you compare your 100% in Devil May Cry with the playtime of the main game of Crackdown 3.