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zorg1000 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I'm saying general consensus, the views of people that aren't necessarily Crackdown fans, were low expectations to begin with. However, if you just wanted more Crackdown, it delivers and those are the people that will enjoy it most.

Long development periods isn't just a AAA thing. I mean just a few on the MS side that come to mind are Cuphead, Ashen and Below. I'm sure there are many examples...

I tried to avoid mixed messages, but I think you got mixed up by adding your own thoughts.

While that's true, I think you can figure out how that's a completely different situation that doesnt apply here. Indies can take a long time since they are small teams with small funding and sometimes the developers have other full time jobs.

The above doesnt describe Crackdown 3 and it's not a high-quality AAA release so a 4-5 dev cycle is way too long. As a mediocre/average AA release it should have a 2-3 year cycle.

Crackdown is also a lot more polished than the average AA game and has a unique PvP. However, I'm sure if I look up development time of many games 4-5 years isnt gonna be that unusual. If anything, maybe Crackdown 3 was just announced too soon for hype reasons, 1st parties tend to do that.

I like Crackdown 3 in its current state, not a broken mess, so the delays were likely a good thing.

I'm noticing the people on this forum that have actually played are generally pretty positive about it. Nobody is arguing its a ground breaking experience, just fun.

Last edited by Mr Puggsly - on 16 February 2019

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