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mjk45 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Again, MS and Platinum Games appeared to have some trouble on working together on Scalebound. Go read about it. Meanwhile Crackdown probably just got stuck in some sort of development hell trying to deliver the MP. I mean the Campaign is nothing particularly unique, mostly just more Crackdown with some ideas of other open world games.

Frankly, I don't get your argument. Are you suggesting all games stuck in development hell should be treated equal? Scalebound and Crackdown 3 were very different projects with different studios working on them. Yet for some reason you feel MS should treat them as equals? Its a dumb argument.

I'm not disagreeing with your other comment, not relevant either.

I think you have misread my reply, my answer was focused on the second part of her question about how a game with such a low score wasn't canceled since that seemed to be more answerable rather than playing  two different games with different circumstances off against each other, Instead I tried  to try to explain the circumstances surrounding Ms and the Xbox one and their  link to crackdown 3 at inception raising Crackdown 3's profile well above what it's history would suggest ,and how that made it harder for them to give up on it.

Here's a thought, did MS anticipate such low scores?

I mean this isn't like some Bethesda game launched in a broken state. Crackdown 3 is totally functional game, it feels polished, its the fun I expected from the series. Its almost like being something of throwback is both what makes this game fun but poison to the critics.

Maybe this is something like an Earth Defense Force game. The people who enjoy it don't care about the reviews, but it likely has wider appeal. Ultimately, it just might be a polarizing game.

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