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Azzanation said:

Well I must say, I played the game last night... its umm.. actually not as bad as many make it out to be. Its actually quite addictive and fun in a old school way. Its not amazing or great but its definitely not bad. The MP mode I struggled to get a good connection due to my poor internet and the cloud physics really push it to its limits. I do enjoy the physics in the MP mode and hoping its the building blocks for future games as devs get better at using the Cloud. Game probably sits around a 7/10 for me. I would easily recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original games. Its actually refreshing to play a game that's not trying to be like every other game. Also the visuals on a 4k TV look pretty good, all the hate saying this game looks like trash, its one of those games you need to actually see for yourself.

For those who want a honest look and opinion on the game than I recommend watching DF analysis which I linked below.

Terry Crew's acting alone in the game is worth a check out. 

I get the impression if you want to make a game fun in an "old school way" it has to be in 8 - 16 bit graphics. Otherwise it will get attacked for not pushing the genre forward.

I had fun with this game last night, played a few hours. Its jumping in the front of game I'm playing at the moment.

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