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mjk45 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I remember they cancelled Scalebound.

But this bad game was ok. (PC version is meta 54)

Why ?

They painted themselves into a corner by making this the poster boy for the cloud,  they were under the pump with their forced back down along with xbox being underpowered and kinetic making it overpriced , you then got azure and the cloud being used for damage control, with marketing that explained the power difference away by implying that Sony went for sheer brute force but MS's approach of smart hardware design combined with clever software was more than it's equal and Crackdown was going to show the future in cloud aided  game design now with that message being heeded by one side and disparaged by the other, it became a bigger media target than it should have been ,it had a lot riding on it.So the timeline of delays probably went like this,first few delays aimed at  getting what they envisioned, then all those time delays  lead to the point of no return, where getting it out the door with as much intact as they can manage so they can at least say it's done is the aim.

The part I bolded was all I read and rolled my eyes... maybe you make some good points, but I'm not gonna bother reading any further.

I think there is enough evidence pointing to problems working with Platinum Games. Crackdown 3 had other developers, primarily Sumo.

If MS really feels Scalebound had potential, Ninja Theory could continue where they left off. Could be a great 9th gen game.

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