Puppyroach said:
Nah, it's pretty great actually, fantastic exclusives, game pass and lots of retro released has made the X1X one of my favorite game systems of all time (Sega Saturn reigns supreme 🙂). |
What fantastic exclusives? I'm not saying that as a jab, I genuinely want to know. OF the past four 'exclusives' (which I have to use air quotes for since PC), three of them were massive disappointments. Last year had Sea of Thieves (near universal disappointment), State of Decay (Glitchy shoddy, cobbled-together mess), and Forza Horizon 4 (One glowing beacon in the wastes.) and so far This year has Crackdown (early reviews have it pegged at WORSE than Sea of Thieves or State of Decay.)
So I'm genuinely curious what exclusives you're talking about because the console has been failing miserably in that department and that's pretty universally agreed upon.
My Console Library:
PS5, Switch, XSX
PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360
3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android