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Here s my take about Crackdown 1 that seems to be preserved in 3. Crackdown 1 was a nice simple game. You are dropped into a world where you can pretty much do whatever you want. Your job was to clean up the city and you can take out each boss in whatever order you want. No side quest, talking to NPCs, daily quest, loot boxes and all that other trappings current games do now. All those trappings are fine but after you played enough games that does it you get tired of that formula. You have a big world which you can level up your character and your ride. You have the large vertical platform to play around in where you produce your own fun. From the reviews I have read, Sumo pretty much kept that formula and didn't mess with it. As a 60 dollar game, this probably would not sell as much since people now expect all those other trappings but as a gamepass exclusive, it probably will be a game people enjoy more than reviews give it credit for.