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I am the way I am because I am one of those 'basement dwellers' that cannot afford to rent/purchase a property due to exorbitant prices, where I live with my parents. Add to the fact that I have no social life, although I choose to do this due to a shy personality and I don't find it enjoyable to mingle with others.

It is entirely possible that one can maintain 'virgin' for life if they choose to maintain a sheltered lifestyle. I think being a perpetually single guy is like a badge of honour. On the other hand, you miss out on all the intimacy and love that a relationship affords. I've been single my entire life that I believe it would not be worth the transition should I choose to start dating.

Anyway I do not like paying for anything and a guy is expected to pay for dates and buy things for women he dates or is in relationships with. Modern society still expects a guy to pay despite feminism going on and on about equality and more rights for women. Equality does not apply when paying for dates, child support or divorce settlements.

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 07 February 2019