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Cobretti2 said:
TheGamer_1995 said:


This is what I observed, I have no problem attracting women by my looks, now I'm no Micheal B. Jordan by any means but sometimes some woman find me attractive that are out of my league in terms of looks lol.

But as soon as I open my mouth or try to approach them they lose interest immediately. It's frustrating to the point where I have had a identity crisis in the last 2 or so years because I just don't know how to act to be taken seriously by people. I tried the 'I don't give a fuck' bad boy route but since it just isn't me it just came off as rude and I felt stupid afterwards. 

Maybe it's just my environment, when I travel abroad I have females actually approaching ME (!), so who knows only time will tell.

Well as long as you don't pull the face Michael B Jordan does in Creed then you shouldn't scare women. I will tell you this 8/10 men bat way above their average. It even causes baseball statisticians to scratch their heads lol

@Bold, do you walk funny? Do you have some crazy eye when you open your mouth to talk lol? Look in the mirror see if there is anything strange.

@Underline, maybe I don't know, perhaps women there want a broke ass black dude with a gun and car with hydrolic suspension. You mention that abroad females approach you, so perhaps maybe outside your small local environment it is worth giivng a shot

When I was in NYC for 2 weeks I had 3 girls approaching/ striking up a convo with me in public, and then one on my one day trip to Boston.

Meanwhile here in Germany I only got approached by females 3 times in my 21 years here lol.

Quite the contrast, I don't know if that maybe a cultural thing.

I'm also of middle eastern decent and put it mildly, we middle easterners have a terrible reputation here in Germany thanks to the media, especially with women.

Last edited by TheGamer_1995 - on 07 February 2019