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Extracts from the article:

What does it feel like to be a virgin later in life? There is still a great stigma around it. People take it as read that you are choosing to abstain from sex – often for religious reasons. Neither is true in my case. And the longer my virginity has festered, the harder it’s been to get rid of it. What woman of my age would want a man who has had no sexual relationships or experiences? 

"I’m asexual. I don’t experience sexual attraction to any gender and I don’t desire sexual experiences with others. I’ve been curious at times – the media makes such a big deal about sex so I’ve been curious as to whether it’s as fun as people say it is. But I also worry about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.I’m personally not interested in romantic relationships at all, but if I was, I wouldn’t be too worried, because I know there are other asexual people out there and it is possible to meet someone who would be content with a non-sexual relationship.

Being a virgin later in life feels the same as being a virgin as a teenager. The only difference is, rather than worrying about being the odd one out, there are more things going on in the world to be hung up over. My friends tend to wonder why I haven’t made it my life goal to have sex. Especially now kids are being born in our circle of friends. I don’t particularly want children, so that point mystifies them in its entirety." 

"I am still a virgin because of my crippling social anxiety, possibly due to my large facial growths. As a child I was often bullied by girls, so it took a good 20 years before I plucked up the courage to “get out there”. I still have not had a relationship that has gone to “that level”. Being a virgin isn’t something I dwell on day to day. Occasionally though, I do wonder what I am missing out on. It seems that sex is something our society is obsessed about, even though in reality I believe everyone can live without." 

"For men it's the vicious circle of:

Because of both societal pressure and desire, failing to get sex damages men's confidence. More so as time goes on

Women are fixated on/ mainly attracted to men because of, confidence

Women do not understand how much their attention will boost men's confidence, believing confidence instead to be some kind of innate signaller of an individuals' overall quality.

Women do not like shy, introverted men they are regarded as being cowards. Extroverted men have huge advantage over weak, shy introverted cowardly men.

Some of us men are not good enough no matter what we do we are never going to be good enough. It is natural selection, Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest."


"It should be celebrated being a virgin, i am a 54 year old male and looking at this where i see things now, i wish i would have stayed a virgin. I became a Christian 12 years ago and realise that's it's not God's perfect plan to have sex outside marriage. Now i think it is perfectly normal for anyone to be a virgin at any age, and it does not matter what any one thinks. It comes down to do i believe what popular culture says i should do, or do i believe how God wants to lead my life! It has to be God of course!"

"Male, 33 years old, and still a virgin here. It just never happened, Met a few girls I liked in my teens, but possible anxiety meant I didn't pursue the relationships. I was infatuated with a girl at college, with whom I had very strong feelings for, but it wasn't reciprocated. And that's fine, I certainly don't feel entitled to anything.

Somehow went through uni without getting laid too. I could have done one night, but I got incredibly anxious and couldn't, and I never saw that girl again.

For the last 7, 8 years I haven't even bothered looking. I don't actually care anymore. If I meet somebody great, but as the rest of my social circle and people my age are in relationships and having kids I doubt I'll meet anyone without changing my life, and again, I don't care enough to do so.

At the point the idea of entering a relationship mainly appeals as it'd make getting a place of my (our) own substantially easier to afford! (live in a shared house currently)."


The best from the above article was this one:

'I am still a virgin because I'm very well endowed'.....


“We never live; we are always in the expectation of living.” – Voltaire

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 07 February 2019