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It is more like a 0.000001% chance of winning the lottery or even lower depending on the type of lottery, number of games, number of balls in barrel, power ball, etc. 1 in 10,000 000 in standard lottery or 1 in 135,000,000 in powerball or even slim odds.

I wanted to win the lottery to change my life without doing anything. Lottery relies purely on luck not skill and not hard work. Life is hard work it requires too much effort, actually doing something to change life but then people have to like you which is well relies on luck. There are plenty of people that have skills and talent but they are not liked by others. I have a childlike view of the world based on fantasy and delusion. I believed winning the lottery would buy happiness but I doubt it would change much besides bring more problems in life and no happiness. A new life and a new start is what I always wanted but it never happened. Winning the lottery is my only shot at a new life.

In the past I have tried medication, psychologists, psychiatrists and behavioural therapy in the past too but it required too much work making effort. Leaving my home and doing simple things like going to the shops or interacting with people  triggers panic attacks and sends my anxiety and stress level sky rocketing. It is better to not talk to anyone, wear dark glasses and move quickly.

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 06 February 2019