Bofferbrauer2 said: 87 games, most of them donations or over Kickstarter, with a few through Humble Bundle. Haven't bought anything yet on Steam directly, and probably never will. Btw, I got 456 Games on GOG, which is by far and wide my main gaming platform on PC |
A good half year later, I'm now sitting at:
99 games on Steam (+12)
487 on GOG (+31)
Bonus round:
10 at Uplay (all freebies)
2 at (should be 4, but lost the login data for the other 2 games)
8 at GamersGate (Last used about 5 years ago)
42 at Impulse (bought when it still belonged to Stardock, before it became Gamestop's digital store in 2012. Can't access them anymore, lost my login and password)
2 at Desura (gifted to me before the service closed in 2015)
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: List as Google Doc:
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread:
Free Pc Games thread: