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Hiku said:


Ljink96 said:


Well sure, the underlying data behind comparing Amazon itself to PSN isn't on solid ground, but I'm stating the obvious that we need to know both Revenue and Profit to make a decent comparison as revenue is only half the story. I just want to know profitability of PSN but I don't think Sony gives that kind of information out, to my knowledge they only divulge into gaming division as a whole in terms of profitability as yes, Sony only takes a cut of all transactions on PSN (i.e. digital software, movie rentals, PSNow, etc.). Either way, I'm anticipating revenue and profitability to surpass Nintendo as there's more avenues to generate revenue than Nintendo is exploring.

Yeah it was more of a reply to Biggerboat1. Basically that whenever they sell games or DLC, whatever they get from that transaction is pretty close to pure profit, aside from things like server and bandwith costs.
But the main question is if the entire $60 of a game sale is counted as their revenue here. Or if the revenue is only referring to their cut.

The entirety. When they speak of revenue generated on their platform it’s the amount of $ spent on their services, not the the actual gross margin they made on each download. If a customer buy FIFA at 60$ on PSN, it’s 60$ of revenue, the cut they take as a “retailer” is part of the profit margin generated by the service.

In other words, it’s exactly the same way a retailer like GameStop operate.