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The thing is, humans are animals and for the most part we can get an idea how a certain product might work on humans by firstly spraying it into an animals eyes... it sucks for them but it's great for us, medications tested on animals breed for the purpose of testing save literally millions of lives each year, if we didn't have animal testing then medicine development would just be too slow compared to what is possible with animals which can breed many generations in a matter of weeks.

Still though.... like I said, Humans are an animal too and some day something might come to Earth and look at us the same way we look at livestock and just start to eat us or skin us to make boots, we just happen to be the most intelligent animals on the planet right now, when you think about it, certain tool using monkeys would be very intelligent compared to mice and rats... but we make them look like apes... but yeah if something landed on the planet which was capable of interstellar flight it would probably look at us in the same way we look at the monkey waving a stick over his head.

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